Graphics Studio

Graphics Studio

From image to Stitch Designer in a few steps to knit your images in Double Bed Jacqard, Fairisle, Intarsia.

Learn the steps (and the behind-the-scenes tricks) to converting graphics to stitch patterns.

This LearnDesignaKnit course uses video and animations to explore this powerful program within DesignaKnit.

Convert photos, diagrams and even sketches and use your designs in Stitch Designer to download to your knitting machine, print out punchcards or use Interactive Knitting.
DAK 8 or 9
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Graphics Studio
Overview and Planning
Convert a digital photo to stitches and knit it in double bed jacquard on an electronic knitting machine.

Start to Finish
Step-by-step and Walkthrough

Your Turn: Practice and Challenge
Options and potential pitfalls

More than Just Photos
Punchcard Conversion | Graphics Studio vs Stitch Designer | Other Stitch Types

Stuff you Should Know
Editing Images | Double Bed Jacquard

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Learn DesignaKnit courses are designed to help you UNDERSTAND the software so you can accomplish your design goals.

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