Stitch Designer 101

DesignaKnit Course: Stitch Designer 101
DAK 8 and 9

Create colorful and textured stitch patterns to print, download to your knitting machine or integrate with garment designs.

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About Stitch Designer

Graphically create stitch patterns for your knitting.

Use Existing Stitch patterns: Color

Tools and Tips for working with color

Use Existing Stitch Patterns: Smart Symbols

Tools and Tips for creating stitch patterns with stitch symbols

Graphic Studio

Another method of getting stitch patterns into DesignaKnit and use them for your knitting

Practical Examples

Enough with the theory ... how can Stitch Designer help you?

Integrate with Shapes

The best of both worlds - stitch patterns AND garment designs

Printing and Interactive Knitting

Printing options and Interactive Knitting

Workshop #1

Workshop #2 (part 1)

Workshop #2 (Part 2)

Workshop #2 (part 3)

Workshop #2 (Challenge and replay)