With personalized instruction and plenty of practice time, you'll leave feeling confident and inspired to put put that collection of punchcard images to use with DesignaKnit for your knitting.
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Saturday, May 20 | 9am US Pacific
$29 US
" I don't know where to begin" Stitch Designer has many tools. This is a great place to start. Take them one at a time and they will be come second nature.
"Will I get a replay in case I can't make it Live?" A video replay of the entire workshop will be available for a week. After that, the material will be include in the course Stitch Designer 101.
"I haven't had time to practice. Is this for me?" We'll be working together, LIVE with real-time help if you get stuck.
"I've struggled with Stitch Designer, will this help me?" This is more than just using the pencil tool to draw motifs . We will show you how to not only copy punchcards but easily create your own original designs.
With personalized instruction and plenty of practice time, you'll leave feeling confident and inspired to put Stitch Designer to work for you.